The NORDECO (Northern Davao Electric Cooperative) commissioned the installation of a submarine cable to connect the Island Garden City of Samal (IGCOS) to the main grid. A 69kV 3c400mm2 Cu cable, protected with a double synthetic armour, was installed over around 14.7 kilometers. The cable routes from Samal to Pantukan.
Following a seismic event in 2022, the cable was displaced, and so we were engaged by the CrownPower SamalGrid Corporation to provide Technical Support services to relocate, recover and reinstate the power cable at Pantukan.
Our engineering team carried out various complex calculations to confirm maximum tension, bend radius and model the recovery of the cable to surface using OrcaFlex.
Our technical and project delivery team reviewed documents and procedures from local sub-contractors engaged directly to execute the works, to ensure best practice, identify and evaluate risks and ensure that the configuration and approach was setup for best outcomes.
The first phase to identify, survey and recover the cable back towards shore was safely and successfully completed off the CS Vega during January and February 2024.