Modern Day Slavery Policy

This statement is built to satisfy the requirements of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 by setting out our approach to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and labour rights violations in our supply chain.

Our Risks

  • We work in over 20 countries across the world.

  • We have a diverse supply chain, with procurement carried out within local markets.

  • With over 100 suppliers delivering a wide range of goods and services, we use a structured approach to ensure that the high-risk categories and countries are identified.

  • We have used publicly available international data on modern slavery to identify our highest risk categories which is temporary labour providers.

Our Approach

  • Our standard supplier contract include modern slavery and human trafficking undertakings.

  • We expect our supply chain to respect and comply with all applicable laws and we reserve the right to terminate arrangements with a supplier which is found to be in breach.

  • Suppliers are evaluated on criteria including modern slavery and safeguarding.

  • All our work seeks to support and respect the protection of internationally human rights.


Our policies are prepared and endorsed by the General Manager and implemented across all Vault Subsea operations through our rules, procedures and guidance. We review and approve our policies annually, or more frequently if appropriate.